Mais um asgard na mira
Desta vez àquela que diz que ninguém lhe apanha qualquer nave
Ataque nada de especial se formos a olhar para o roubo em si é mais pela destruição e poder comprovar que todos vão caindo devagarinho aqui pelo noob
uma "questão de tempo" dizem eles ahahah
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On 24-12-2024 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attackers: __________ Azpelumbra [CRY] |
Defenders: __________ Madalena [ASGARD] |
Fight !
__________ Azpelumbra [CRY] Weapon: 210% | Shield: 210% | Armor: 210% Cruiser 500.000 Battlecruiser 75.000 __________ |
__________ Madalena [ASGARD] Weapon: 190% | Shield: 200% | Armor: 200% Light Cargo 287.016 Heavy Cargo 17.380 Light Fighter 4.738 Heavy Fighter 2.177 Cruiser 1.168 Battleship 105 Recycler 20.637 Spy Probe 6.230 Bomber 198 Solar Satellite 7.469 Destroyer 38 Battlecruiser 397 Reaper 223 Pathfinder 1.396 Rocket Launcher 1.287.808 Light Laser 142.764 Heavy Laser 261 Gauss Cannon 236 Ion Cannon 8.171 Plasma Turret 53 Small Shield Dome 1 Large Shield Dome 1 __________ |
After the Battle ...
__________ Azpelumbra [CRY] Weapon: 210% | Shield: 210% | Armor: 210% Cruiser 497.498 (-2.502) Battlecruiser 74.921 (-79) __________ |
__________ Madalena [ASGARD] Weapon: 190% | Shield: 200% | Armor: 200% :sniper: Destroyed ! :rocketlauncher: __________ |
Outcome of the Battle:
The attacker has won the battle ! The attacker(s) captured: 165.746.559 Metal, 107.976 Crystal and 39.925.503 Deuterium The attacker(s) lost a total of 79.273.000 units. The defender(s) lost a total of 4.913.499.500 units. At these space coordinates now float 627.999.600 metal, 553.864.800 crystal and 47.193.900 deuterium. The attacker captured a total of 205.780.038 units. The attacker(s) captured the debris |
Summary of Profit/Losses:
Summary Attacker(s): |
Summary Defender(s): |
Metal: 741.336.159 Crystal: 533.298.776 Deuterium: 80.930.403 The attacker(s) made a profit of 1.355.565.338 units. The attacker(s) won a total of 160.447 honour points |
Metal: -3.975.102.559 Crystal: -1.029.721.976 Deuterium: -114.455.003 The defender(s) incurred a loss of - units. The defender(s) won a total of 12.859 honour points |