On 19-02-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attackers: __________ Planeta destruido [OTP] |
Defenders: __________ Skywalker7 [SOLO] |
Fight !
__________ Planeta destruido [OTP] Weapon: --% | Shield: --% | Armor: --% Cruiser 176.886 Battleship 23.336 Battlecruiser 202.718 Reaper 9.775 Pathfinder 26.588 __________ |
__________ Skywalker7 [SOLO] Weapon: --% | Shield: --% | Armor: --% Light Cargo 51.168 Heavy Fighter 51.170 Recycler 8.901 Spy Probe 125 Bomber 10.693 Solar Satellite 2.200 Deathstar 111 Crawler 1.500 Reaper 5.707 Pathfinder 24.403 Rocket Launcher 25.000 Light Laser 3.000 Heavy Laser 1.000 Gauss Cannon 10 Ion Cannon 700 Plasma Turret 180 Large Shield Dome 1 __________ |
After the Battle ...
__________ Planeta destruido [OTP] Weapon: --% | Shield: --% | Armor: --% Cruiser 167.385 (-9.501) Battleship 22.729 (-607) Battlecruiser 197.679 (-5.039) Reaper 9.643 (-132) Pathfinder 24.991 (-1.597) __________ |
__________ Skywalker7 [SOLO] Weapon: --% | Shield: --% | Armor: --% :sniper: Destroyed ! :rocketlauncher: __________ |
Outcome of the Battle:
The attacker has won the battle ! The attacker(s) captured: 996.502.680 Metal, 13.097.671 Crystal and 785.118 Deuterium The attacker(s) lost a total of 810.891.000 units. The defender(s) lost a total of 4.725.168.000 units. A total of 77.874.999 metal, 60.444.220 crystal and 20.790.279 deuterium has been recycled after battle. At these space coordinates now float 721.275.801 metal, 559.832.480 crystal and 192.558.921 deuterium. The attacker captured a total of 1.010.385.469 units. The attacker(s) captured the debris |
Summary of Profit/Losses:
Summary Attacker(s): |
Summary Defender(s): |
Metal: 1.403.152.480 Crystal: 324.987.371 Deuterium: 104.131.318 The attacker(s) made a profit of 1.832.271.169 units. |
Metal: -3.338.987.680 Crystal: -1.789.199.671 Deuterium: -607.366.118 The defender(s) incurred a loss of -5.735.628.469 units. |