On 31-10-2023 14:59:52, the following fleets met in battle:
Attackers: __________ Instinto [TPM] |
Defenders: __________ ZeDosPacotes |
Fight !
__________ Instinto [TPM] Weapon: 270% | Shield: 260% | Armor: 270% Interceptores 2.140.284 Ceifeiras 1.675.181 __________ |
__________ ZeDosPacotes Weapon: 230% | Shield: 230% | Armor: 240% Cargueiros Pequenos 4.000 Cargueiros Grandes 72 Rastejadores 1.200 Lançadores de Misseis 6.600.000 Lasers Ligeiros 1.097.119 Lasers Pesados 100.000 Canhão de Gauss 2.000 Canhão de Iões 40.000 Canhão de Plasma 20.000 Pequeno Escudo Planetário 1 Grande Escudo Planetário 1 __________ |
After the Battle ...
__________ Instinto [TPM] Weapon: 270% | Shield: 260% | Armor: 270% Interceptores 2.121.838 (-18.446) Ceifeiras 1.675.138 (-43) __________ |
__________ ZeDosPacotes Weapon: 230% | Shield: 230% | Armor: 240% :sniper: Destroyed ! :rocketlauncher: __________ |
Outcome of the Battle:
The attacker has won the battle ! The attacker(s) captured: 4.715.805.096 Metal, 1.197.081 Crystal and 432.593.872 Deuterium The attacker(s) lost a total of 1.574.790.000 units. The defender(s) lost a total of units. A total of 70.983.375 metal and 93.879.625 crystal has been recycled after battle. At these space coordinates now float 212.950.125 metal and 281.638.875 crystal. The attacker captured a total of 5.149.596.049 units. ________________________________________________ Debris harvested by the attacker(s): 212.950.125 Metal, 281.644.875 Crystal and 0 Deuterium 70.983.375 Metal, 93.879.625 Crystal and 0 Deuterium |
Summary of Profit/Losses:
Summary Attacker(s): |
Summary Defender(s): |
The attacker(s) made a profit of units. The attacker(s) won a total of 431.326 honour points |
The defender(s) incurred a loss of -24.360.878.049 units. The defender(s) won a total of 189.452 honour points |
Ao defensor , sim se deixas 5b de recs parados eu vou busca los se para ti foi 2 cliques a abrir pacotes para mim foi 3 a mandar a frota .