On 02-07-2024 22:23:53, the following fleets met in battle:
Attackers: __________ Ataque de extrema dificuldade foram meses e meses de observação, imensas folhas de cálculo preenchidas com contas ... cenas ... graficos ...sondagens para chegar a conclusão ... que a defesa não ia fugir ufa Implorei ao meu rubix para proteger o meu regresso e mandar a outra parte da frota em acs que retirou no ultimo segundo ... pois só assim me sentiria seguro para realizar este ataque Uma palavra para o mestre o melhor o unico, Ainda não estou ao nivel nem nunca lá chegarei mas tou a tentar Uma palavra ao Telecel desculpa vir expor este farmzinho mas é só para me rir um bocado com o meu pet Instinto [Warlords] |
Fight !
__________ Instinto [Warlords] Weapon: 270% | Shield: 270% | Armor: 270% Reaper 2.530.000 Bomber 25.000 Destroyer 598.000 __________ |
__________ telecel [WAR] Weapon: 200% | Shield: 190% | Armor: 210% Light Cargo 4.938 Heavy Cargo 23.351 Light Fighter 5.169 Heavy Fighter 117 Cruiser 215 Battleship 57 Recycler 2.942 Spy Probe 9.306 Bomber 20 Solar Satellite 946 Destroyer 92 Battlecruiser 384 Crawler 1.300 Reaper 229 Pathfinder 56 Rocket Launcher 2.510.747 Light Laser 1.115.042 Heavy Laser 777.408 Gauss Cannon 148.232 Ion Cannon 225.073 Plasma Turret 130.594 Large Shield Dome 1 __________ |
Depois da Batalha ...
__________ Instinto [Warlords] Weapon: 270% | Shield: 270% | Armor: 270% Reaper 2.527.926 (-2.074)
Bomber 24.735 (-265) Destroyer 596.818 (-1.182) __________ |
__________ telecel [WAR] Weapon: 200% | Shield: 190% | Armor: 210% __________ |
Outcome of the Battle:
The attacker has won the battle ! The attacker(s) captured: 1.340.049.816 Metal, 291.216.717 Crystal and 240.734.546 Deuterium The attacker(s) lost a total of 503.440.000 units. The defender(s) lost a total of units. A total of 62.936.125 metal, 50.389.875 crystal and 10.467.500 deuterium has been recycled after battle. At these space coordinates now float 178.612.723 metal, 143.006.466 crystal and 29.706.766 deuterium. The attacker captured a total of 1.872.001.079 units. ________________________________________________ Debris harvested by the attacker(s): 178.612.723 Metal, 143.011.433 Crystal and 29.706.766 Deuterium 62.936.125 Metal, 50.389.875 Crystal and 10.467.500 Deuterium ________________________________________________ |
Summary of Profit/Losses:
Summary Attacker(s): |
Summary Defender(s): |
Metal: 1.321.138.664 Crystal: 304.823.025 Deuterium: 217.723.812 The attacker(s) made a profit of 1.843.685.501 units. The attacker(s) won a total of 386.576 honour points |
Metal: -22.886.119.816 Crystal: -12.730.545.717 Deuterium: -4.475.573.546 The defender(s) incurred a loss of -40.092.304.079 units. The defender(s) won a total of 67.881 honour points |